Saturday, January 28, 2012

Clearing out the Clutter...

Ok, so I have been listening to "Throw Out Fifty Things" audiobook by Gail Blanke.  I am embarking on a clutter busting voyage.  I will post as I make some progress.  My journey begins today.
Join me?

<3 KC

Friday, January 27, 2012


Well, I have been inspired by an old school friend to start blogging. Thanks Christie! I probably shouldn't be doing this goes.

I don't really have a theme to post about. This blog will be about whatever is going on in my it kids, hubby, politics or whatever God is doing in my life.

Today I'm a little sleepy. Did a sleep study last night and found it difficult to really relax and get good sleep. We will see what the results show... I think I will take a nap. It's raining right now so it's a perfect nap day.

I will try to blog often whenever there is anything blog worthy going on. Stay tuned, this could get interesting or not so interesting.

Have a Blessed Day!

<3 KC