Saturday, March 24, 2012


So, I just got my Fitbit yesterday. It's so cool. It tracks steps, stairs, calories used, food/calories and sleep patterns. Fun seeing what I've done all day. It tells you how much you have been sedentary. Gotta get that number down! You can track other things on the site too.

I cant wait until I have more days logged so I can see how I'm progressing. So far, I love it! I love the sleep tracker because I have mild apnea. Cool to see when I wake during the night.

Will keep ya posted!

<3 Kelly

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

P90x2 and stuff

So, I started doing P90x2 with Grant this week. It is kicking my butt! Can you say "out of shape!!!"? Ok, so it's been awhile since I have seriously worked out. It is necessary to get this old body back into shape! Not just to look good in FL and Cancun but to get some of that long lost muscle back that seems to disappear with age. Long gone are the days of the HS body. Unfortunately I must keep the sweet tooth in check. :(
My baby wants a six pack. I just want to be able to feel the abs again. No six pack necessary.

This winter has been pitiful! No snowmobiling and limited skiing! Forget about the extra workout of plowing the drive of snow. It just didn't happen this year. Used the blower once. ONCE! Now it is spring weather and the bit of snow we just got last week is melting!

Spring sports are starting soon. Girlie is playing tennis and little man is getting ready for baseball. Can't wait to sit on cold bleachers again. No, must remember to bring chairs!

Oh, darn deer got my rhododendrons this year. If they weren't so cute I'd shoot 'em. Not really. How can you shoot Bambi?

Had a great time at the Celtics game last night. Thank you Pepsi and Mr Spinazola! Great game! Thank you for hosting us. What an awesome surprise bringing in the NBA Champions trophy! I'm sure the kiddos will remember this game.

Counting down the days til we are laying poolside in Fl...3 weeks!

<3 Kelly

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Super Bowl Weekend...

I need to pack but not sure what to pack. I need to try on outfits. Very excited to go to our first Super Bowl Weekend...lots of events. Should be lots of fun! I'll post pics. Can't believe we leave tomorrow. Time flies. It will be nice to have a date weekend. It's been a long time...

<3 KC

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Clearing out the Clutter...

Ok, so I have been listening to "Throw Out Fifty Things" audiobook by Gail Blanke.  I am embarking on a clutter busting voyage.  I will post as I make some progress.  My journey begins today.
Join me?

<3 KC

Friday, January 27, 2012


Well, I have been inspired by an old school friend to start blogging. Thanks Christie! I probably shouldn't be doing this goes.

I don't really have a theme to post about. This blog will be about whatever is going on in my it kids, hubby, politics or whatever God is doing in my life.

Today I'm a little sleepy. Did a sleep study last night and found it difficult to really relax and get good sleep. We will see what the results show... I think I will take a nap. It's raining right now so it's a perfect nap day.

I will try to blog often whenever there is anything blog worthy going on. Stay tuned, this could get interesting or not so interesting.

Have a Blessed Day!

<3 KC